Warren Litzman
The message of God to the unsaved world is that they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who is offered to them in limitless grace.
The message to the saved and born-again is that they walk worthy of the calling wherewith they are called.
One of the most difficult things to do, in the Christlife, is to pinpoint exactly how every believer is to live.
It is difficult because it is not God’s intention that every believer live the same or be the same manifestation of the Christ who is in each believer. Actually, the very heart of the message of the Christ-life is that Christ will flow out of each human being differently, and because there is only one Son, God has elected that all who are created in His like ness and image should be different so that the one Son might be manifested unto Him in many various way.
This means that stereotype religion and doctrine, derived to make all believers look and act alike, are not only error but are a tremendous effrontery to the Christ who has been birthed in the believer.
It is God’s grace that has allowed Christ to come into the believer, regardless of the believer’s condition of sin and the kind of person he is. It is God’s intention that Christ shall swamp and overwhelm all that the believer previously was by the Christ-life, but by no means is the distinctiveness of that believer taken away because Christ flows out of Him. It is, as we so often say, Christ in us, as us.
Three Distinctive Position
The salvation that comes by Christ, which God accomplishes for those who believe, includes, among other things, the placing of the saved one into three distinctive positions.
First, the believer is placed into the position of a son of God. John clearly declares, “Beloved, now are we the sons of God?” (1 John 3:2.) the word now signifies thaty this is not something birthed instantaneously the moment we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
The second position the believer has been placed into is that of a citizen of Heaven. We cannot get away from the fact that God’s plan does not culminate on Earth, nor was it ever intended to be an earthly plan. It was God’s intention, before the foundation of the world was laid, to have children to live in His house.
We know, through the study of the Word, that the Father’s house is located in heaven. We also know that being citizens of Heaven is not purely psychological or a spiritual state, but it is a literal place of which we have been made members instantaneously at the birthing
The scripture plainly declares that all believers are strangers and sojourners on this Earth and in this world and as a result, belong as as a citizens of Heaven.
Third, we are placed as members of the family and household of God. Paul is very confident in this matter that believers are a distinctive part of the house of God, meaning His abiding place aside from this world…
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