About Me

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Tagbilaran, Region VI, Philippines
Some say, "I am an idiot". Being a Servant of God is always misunderstood, I who escape from His threshold. But kept and share His word forever in eternity. Definitely, my arts are refine that I surely am not here without my Creator that creates me this way. I prefer to attain high goals and achieving it. My silence made me harsh to execute myself to this world. then, I began writing poems and painting memories that would last eternity. I am a merchant of Venice perhaps!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Treasures from the Earth


Theme: Treasures from the Earth.

The 12th International Environmental Children's Drawing Contest

Sponsored by Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA) & The International Certification Network (Q HNet)


Let's look out for "Treasures from the Earth"!
Flowers and grass alongside the roads, birds wheeling freely across the great arch of the sky,
animals grazing in the fields, multi colored fish swarming around coral reefs,
abundant crops of wheat and corn
rain cascaing the Earth, and the glow of the setting sun. All of these are treasures of our planet.
Let's make pictures of the "treasures from the earth" that you find in your daily lives, studies or play time.

ELIGIBILITY:Children aged 7-15

Drawing tools: freehand drawing with any type of paint, pastel, etc.

Please be sure that the drawing has been drawn personally and has not been published in other newspapers or magazines.

48 winners around the world will receive a special memorabilia

all entrants will receive a participation prize.


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